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  • 学生参与
  • 学生参与
Engaging in research improves critical thinking skills, 创造力, problem solving abilities.

» 研究 和 订婚

 研究 和 订婚 研究

和平研究 majors are encouraged to conduct significant original research in their field. Engaging in research improves critical thinking skills, 创造力, problem solving abilities, builds intellectual independence. Not only is their learning enhanced, but students are building a competitive profile for scholarships 和 awards, 研究生院, law school 和 ultimately the job market. 和平研究 majors have conducted research projects in North Africa, 南非, 和拉丁美洲, which resulted in conference presentations in the US 和 abroad. 跟 faculty affiliated with the 和平研究 program about developing your research project or assisting with their research. Additional funding 和 opportunities are developed through the Center of Undergraduate Excellence. The opportunity for undergraduates to work closely with faculty members on a 研究 Student Presentationsproject provides opportunities not found at many larger universities. The presentation or publication of a student paper enhances opportunities for graduate studies or professional employment.


Opportunities for local activism 和 civic engagement can be found through 校园组织, Civic 订婚 Initiatives, The Orange County 和平builders Network. Within the required 和平研究 Course 354 Nonviolent Social Change, students develop group projects on issues that they care about, many of these have resulted in new 校园组织, 多个事件, products for local organizations. Chapman 和平研究 students have been active in developing organizations such as local chapters of 消除饥饿Health2Humanity, which develops leadership 和 economic sustainability in Kenyan communities. 学生 have also traveled to Costa Rica in order to analyze the communication strategies of various organizations that pursue peace 和 social justice, situating this communication within the specific history 和 culture of the area. You can read about their experiences on 他们的博客. 学生 of 和平研究 are encouraged to develop their passion for peace 和 justice by volunteering 和 working with advocacy, 社会运动, 慈善, social entrepreneurship organizations.