» 员工的角度



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多样性是一件伟大的事情. Striving to ensure that a wide variety of perspectives and lived experiences are represented among a certain group is an important effort. 但在我看来,包容才是成功的关键. 我们不仅包括不同种族的人, 性别, 社会阶层或身份的其他方面, 为了这样做, 或者因为它对外部实体来说可能“看起来不错”. We are taking it a step further to proactively create an empowering community that helps foster a sense of belonging and respect for all.
I have been fortunate to serve as co-chair of the Advisory Group on the Status of Women and have been able to witness first-hand the ability a relatively small group can have to be a catalyst for institutional change. 在一起, 在短短几年内, we have been able to establish lactation spaces at both the Orange and Rinker campuses 以及 provide free menstrual product in all women’s and gender-neutral restrooms on campus. 我一直受到这项工作和我很荣幸能与之共事的人的启发. 在我们的几个节目之后, 我们听到校园里每一个选民团体都发出了响亮的“谢谢”. 我很高兴知道我们, 作为谘询小组, 有能力为那些不愿意公开表达自己想法的人辩护吗.
与澳门威尼斯人app下载多样性项目合作, 我个人对多样性和包容性的认识也得到了不可思议的扩展. 我开始明白,作为一个个体,我所拥有的特权. My horizons have also broadened considerably as I came to understand just how important intersectionality is in this kind of work. 无论如何,我都不是专家,我每天都在继续学习和成长. 多样性项目确实是一个独特的地方,在这里你可以做你自己, 更多地了解你自己和你周围的人,并在澳门威尼斯人app下载社区产生真正的影响.


(714) 744-7834
多样性和包容性是非常有意义和有力的词汇. 对我来说这意味着, 分享我们的想法, 生活经验, 无论肤色如何,都要互相尊重, 比赛, 观点, 生活方式等. 在一个多元化和包容的环境中,人们可以学到很多文化方面的知识, 以及, 从别人的角度和角度看问题.
在过去的三年里,我一直参与校园的多元化和包容性工作. 我最大的爱好之一是担任有色人种咨询小组的联合主席. 这有助于提高意识,并了解如何帮助校园内的有色人种. 每个环境都是不同的,我相信支持系统的作用. 每次我帮助学生的时候,我都努力作为一个支持系统, 校园里有色人种的教职员工.
Personally I have enjoyed to see more representation of minorities around campus not only in the student body but with faculty and staff. 此外,感觉自己被关注和被包容也是件好事, 不要害怕表达自己,在别人面前做你自己. Chapman initiatives about diversity and 包容 made me aware of many issues and the work that needs to be done in order to call Chapman a diverse institution. 有很多方法可以帮助校园内的多样性和包容性. Being a part of the people of color advisory group has helped me to better understand the needs of other ethnic groups and how much we can learn from each other. Not to mention the importance of diversity and 包容 in the workplace and how to be aware of how to approach and understand others.


国际学生 & 学者服务
(714) 997-6829
作为国际学生办公室的国际学生顾问 & 学者服务 office my entire focus centers around our diverse population of inter国家 students and professors/research scholars (exchange visitors). We have students and professors/research scholars from approximately 68 countries and they embody a wide variety of cultures.
It is my goal to educate the Chapman community regarding our amazing group of inter国家 students and exchange visitors who are present on the Chapman campus. 通过举办文化活动, inviting students to speak at a culture centered class lecture and highlighting diversity at our annual Inter国家 Food Fair, 我希望让大家知道,我们的校园里有这样一个多元化的群体,我们可以从他们身上学到很多东西.


每一个学生、教师和员工都有一个独特而特别的故事. 我同情那些被社会边缘化的人, 尤其是LGBTQIA人群和我们的女学生,她们正在学习如何在父权制中前行. 我们的世界正变得越来越多样化——(假定的)同质性的飞地正被全球化所破坏, 互联网与包容性社区的有意构建. 学生 need to graduate from Chapman with a broad knowledge base for human diversity and have 技能 in negotiating life with a wide variety of people. 我们需要帮助所有的教职员工做好充分的准备,指导我们的学生适应这个新的现实. 我们需要树立开放、信任和分歧的榜样,但又不惹人讨厌.
我提倡不同信仰间的意识,有时甚至在这个问题上教一个讲习班. I have been a Safe Space trainer and teach a Bible study each semester looking at the 6 “clobber” passages in the Bible that are used by some Christians to denigrate LGBTQIA people. 我继续进修自己的教育, 读书, 看电影,参与种族等多元化话题的讨论, 性别歧视和特权.
我们并不完美, but we are committed to working on the intersections of different identities and finding ways to support those who live without privilege. 我们提倡培训和参与工作场所之外的活动.


(714) 997-6894
如果我们要完成我们的使命,提供一种导致探究的教育体验, 道德, 以及作为世界公民的富有成效的生活, I believe creating spaces for ongoing reflection of who we are and aspire to be as individuals and communities is essential. 积极和知情的全球公民的发展需要了解他人的经验, 发展我们跨越差异进行工作和对话的能力, 并对经济发展的方式做出反应, 环境, 社会, 政治问题以不同的方式影响着社区. 支持大学努力培养学生的公民参与和责任的生活, 我认为多样性和包容性是这一目标的重要组成部分. 对我来说, 隐含在公民参与的理念和行为中, 是否需要将自己视为更大的社会结构的一部分并发展知识, 技能, 以及在我们多元化社会中负责任参与的动机.
I work to advance diversity and 包容 through fostering connections with our local community; overseeing programmatic efforts designed to support learning about economic, 环境, 社会, 以及当地的政治问题, 国家, and global scales; and providing direct advising and support to students as they learn more about who they are, 他们不是谁, 以及他们想成为什么样的人. We have a great deal of capacity as an institution and with that comes incredible opportunities to work with our local communities to address serious community problems and needs. This often involves intentional listening and learning about the root causes and disproportionate impact of those problems/needs and developing capacity for working with diverse communities. 在我们的纲领性努力中, we strive to do the best we can to leave students with bits of new knowledge and new peer-to-peer relationships that can support their active inquiry into issue of diversity, 包容, 公民参与. 直接支持通常包括与学生交谈,以处理差异的经历, 批判性地思考他们作为社区成员的表现方式, 以及他们对生活中遇到的障碍的抵抗力.
I would want our community to be mindful of the necessary connection between diversity and 包容 and our mission of global citizenship. Our mission cannot be fulfilled fully if we do not practice and model ways of engaging diversity and holding the tension that comes with it in life-affirming ways. 是否努力创造一个温馨的校园社区, 一个更加公正的国家共同体, 或者是一个更有意识的全球社区, 威尼斯人app, 技能, 多样性和包容性的价值是必不可少的.


我是校园活跃思维俱乐部的联合顾问. Active Minds是一个致力于多样性的组织, 因为它提高了大学生对心理健康问题的认识. A good description of this 国家 organizations function is clearly labeled in the mission statement: “As part of our mission, 我们要求自己作出承诺,努力承认和消除偏见和歧视, 特别是那些传统上对文化上有能力的精神卫生服务产生影响的人, Active Minds使命宣言准确地描述了我们在学生心理咨询服务中所代表的内容. Active Minds puts on events like “Furry friends for finals” in which we bring dogs on campus in order to provide stress reduction for students who are entrenched in exam-related stress. We also have an event called “Send Silence Packing” to raise awareness about suicide prevention and recognizing signs of mental health issues.
我是学生心理咨询服务中心的全职工作人员. 作为我工作的一部分, 我见过各种各样的人, 每个人都有自己特殊的担忧或挣扎. 我努力确保我的每一位客户都被视为独一无二的个体. 除了提供简短的个人治疗外,我还带领小组治疗和研讨会. 在这里, 学生们有机会表达自己, 以及从同龄人相似或不同的经历中学习. 在澳门威尼斯人app下载大学,我们看到来自不同群体的学生. 我一贯的目标是让校园里的每一个学生都能接触到我.
澳门威尼斯人app下载的某些人群没有充分利用我们的服务, so my colleagues and I engage in outreach around campus in order to help let every group on campus know that we’re here…and that we’re enthusiastic about helping! SPCS的员工接待的客户来自各行各业, 精神疾病不会因年龄而有所区别, 种族, 或者社会经济地位. 我们为校园里的每一个群体服务. 作为一名有执照的治疗师, 我定期参加继续教育和会议,使我的治疗知识与时俱进. 我也接受过安全空间的培训. 在治疗创伤后应激障碍或其他创伤相关问题方面,我接受过额外的培训和认证. I have played a role in orientation activities and discussions with RA’s in order to bring further awareness about the fact that we at SPCS are here to assist all of the students who would benefit from our services.