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» Economic Science Institute (应急服务国际公司)


Started as an alternate, more hands-on method to economic education, the Economic Science Institute at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学 is an academic center that uses the laboratory method of inquiry to study the role human institutions play in creating social rules and order, and also builds and tests market and management systems. 应急服务国际公司’s research spans the fields of accounting, 经济学, 金融, 信息系统, 工程, 心理学, 神经科学, 计算机科学 and 哲学.

What is Experimental Economics?

传统上, economists relied heavily on mathematical abstractions to understand how people behave and how markets work. 但 弗农L. 史密斯 recognized that markets in natural environments are dynamic and operate in specialized institutional settings. He began laboratory work to determine if those mathematical abstractions actually described market behavior and whether they could be tested using a scientific approach.


This method has become known as Experimental Economics and earned 史密斯 the honor of Nobel laureate and Chapman the honor of having a distinguished institute working at the frontiers of economic science.

应急服务国际公司 研究 Experiments

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