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4 pillars in Chapman Piazza
Instructional Technology

» Instructional Technology


Instructional Technology supports teaching and learning at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学. We help faculty to choose and learn to use technology to fulfill their pedagogical goals. We do this through one-on-one consultations, group workshops, and online trainings. Please contact us at edutech@hjxdy.com for more information.


ETS支持 Canvas as Chapman’s main course management system. 通过画布, faculty can share files and readings with students, 嵌入视频链接, send class-wide announcements, post paperless assignments, 增加分级测验, post student grades, 还有更多. Canvas instructor training can be found at the following link: Canvas for Instructors. 学生 can find training at the following link: Canvas for 学生. You can also contact our specialists at canvas@hjxdy.com.


Recording videos has never been easier at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学. Whether you prefer to record video lectures on your desktop computer, 或者在教室里, we have options for you. 联系 edutech@hjxdy.com for more information on any of these video recording platforms.

Collaborations and Student Engagement

ETS offers several ways for students to collaborate with each other and engage both in and out of the classroom. 联系 edutech@hjxdy.com to learn more about collaborations and student engagement or click on these links.


在Web 2中.0 world, we promote showcasing personal learning and accomplishments. ETS支持 several ways for students and faculty to showcase their knowledge. 联系 a consultant at edutech@hjxdy.com for more information or peruse the following links for more information.