Dr. Anuradha Prakash

Dr. Anuradha Prakash

施密德科学学院 and Technology; Food Science
Expertise: Food irradiation; phytosanitary; Texture Analysis; Quality; Shelf-Life;
Office Location: 凯克科学与工程中心
Phone: (714) 744-7826


Anuradha Prakash博士.D., 是奥兰治市澳门威尼斯人app下载大学食品科学教授, FDA西南太平洋地区实验室的注册会计师和科学顾问. 她是《威尼斯人app》杂志的副主编. 在过去的19年里, her research program has focused on using irradiation to enhance the safety and shelf-life of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables and ready-to-eat meals. At present, she is evaluating the effect of irradiation on the quality of fruit treated by irradiation for insect disinfestation with the ultimate goal of eliminating global trade barriers by reducing the threat posed by invasive pests. 她在美国农业部资助下的研究目标是:

  • Conduct dose response studies to determine tolerance of fruit to irradiation
  • 比较辐照和常规治疗
  • Determine the impact of commercial treatment and distribution conditions on the quality of irradiated fruit



Atamian, H.S., Loayza, F.E.D, Prakash, A. 2023. A transcriptomic study of ‘Granny Smith’ _apple fruit response to x-ray irradiation using RNA-Seq. 园艺科学311-111777. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2022.111777
Colella AP, Prakash A, Miklavcic JJ. 2023. Homogenization and thermal processing reduce the concentration of extracellular vesicles in bovine milk. Food Sci Nutr. 00:1-10. http://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.3749
Ornelas-Paz JJ, Prakash A, Gonzalez-Armendariz如, Pérez-Martínez JD, Gardea-Bejar AA, Ibarra-Junquera V, Rios-Velasco C, Maya-Meraz IO. 2023. Effects of phytosanitary irradiation treatment and refrigerated storage on the physicochemical properties of three pectin types isolated from mandarin pulp. 食品胶体144,108952,http://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2023.108952.
徐建良,阿勒斯S, Senger LW, Prakash A. 2024. Exploring pathways to food science careers in Southern California: A case study in food science career development. J. 食品科学,2009,31 (4):727-739. http://doi.org/10.1111/1750-3841.16835
Murray AD, Gallardo RK和Prakash A. 2024. 墨西哥消费者对辐照苹果和进口苹果的态度. Agribusiness. 2024:1-25. http://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21922
Melo, A.A.M., Olabode, P.N., Atamian, H.S., Nyakundi, B., Toto-Pacioles, C., Prakash, A. 2021. Irradiation reduces superficial scald by downregulating ethylene and a-farnesene biosynthetic enzymes in ‘Granny Smith’ apples. Rad. Phy. Chem. 189, 109650. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2021.109650.
费尔南德斯博士和普拉卡什博士. 2020. Use of Gamma Irradiation as an Intervention Treatment to Inactivate Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Freshly Extracted Apple Juice. Rad. Phy. Chem. 168: 108531. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2019.108531
Prakash, A. 2019. What is the benefit of irradiation compared to other methods of food preservation? 辐照保存食品的研究[j].). Elsevier (In press).
Prakash A和Ornelas Paz JJ. 2019. 水果和蔬菜的辐照. In Postharvest Technology of Perishable Horticultural Commodities, Chapter 17, Elhadi Yahia (Ed.). 瑞斯出版. 爱思唯尔,剑桥,英国.
Kheshti N, Melo AAM, Cedeno AB, Obenland D, Prakash A. 2019. Physiological response of ‘Fuji’ apples to irradiation and the effect on quality. Rad. Phy. Chem. 165:108389. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2019.108389
Dror AD, Virk K, Lee K, Gerston A, Prakash A, Abbott M, Jaque SV, Sumida KD. 2018. Resistance Training Threshold for Elevating Bone Mineral Density in Growing Female Rats. Int J Sports Med. http://doi.org/10.1055/s-0043-125447
Rodriguez (Friscia) KC, Ornelas-Paz JJ, Ibarra-Junquera V, Toto MC, Jain A, Prakash A. 2018. Effects of fruit position in standard place pack cartons and gamma irradiation on the postharvest quality of ‘Banfield’ Navel oranges. 食品和生物加工技术. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-018-2174-6
Melo AAM, Olabode PN, Michael BC, Prakash A. 2018. 桃子辐照致软化的原因. Rad. Phy. Chem. 152:107-113. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2018.08.012
Jain A, Ornelas JJ, Obenland D, Rodriguez (Friscia) K, Prakash A. 2017. Effect of phytosanitary irradiation on the quality of two varieties of pummelos (Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr.园艺科学. DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2017.01.029
Ornelas JJ, Meza MB, Obenland D, Rodriguez (Friscia) K, Jain A, Thornton S, and Prakash A. 2017. Effect of phytosanitary irradiation on the postharvest quality of Seedless Kishu mandarins (Citrus kinokuni mukakukishu. 食品化学230,712-720. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.02.125
Serapian T和Prakash A. 2016. Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Methyl Bromide Fumigation and Phytosanitary Irradiation on the Quality of Fresh Strawberries. 园艺学报,2011 (4):444 - 444.
Thang K, Au K, Rakovski C和Prakash A. 2016. Effect of phytosanitary irradiation and methyl bromide fumigation on the physical, sensory, 以及蓝莓和甜樱桃的微生物质量. J. Sci Food Agri. http://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.7648
Prakash A. 2016. 新鲜农产品辐照的特殊应用. Rad. Phy. Chem. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2016.07.017
Joo W, Singh H, Ahles CP, Lee Y, Colazas W, Lee LC, Prakash A, Jaque SV, Sumida KD. 2015. Training-induced increase in bone mineral density between growing male and female rats. Int. J. Sports Med. Doi 10.1055/s-0035-1555777.
唐杰,陈建军,陈建军,等. 2015. Effect of phytosanitary irradiation on the quality of fresh blueberries and grapes during storage. HortSci(已接受发表).
Sea S, Rakovski C, Prakash A. 2015. “巴特利特”梨(Pyrus communis L .)的成熟品质.) Subjected to Phytosanitary X-ray Irradiation Treatment Followed by Simulated Retail Display. HortSci. 50(2): 279-287.
金GC, Rakovski C, Caporaso F, Prakash A. 2013. 低剂量辐照可作为一种 鲜食葡萄的植物检疫处理. J. Food Sci. 79 (1), S81-S91. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.12307
Prakash A. 2013. 非热加工技术提高螺母的安全性. 坚果的安全与质量. Diane Barrett (Ed.). 伍德黑德出版社,剑桥,英国.
戴维斯S和普拉卡什A. 2013. A pilot study to develop nutritional guidance signage for a University cafeteria based on a traffic light design. J.餐饮管理与教育7(1):33-38.
McDonald H, Arpaia ML, Caporaso F, Obenland D, Were L, Rakovski C, Prakash A. 2013. Effect of gamma irradiation treatment at phytosanitary dose levels on the quality of ‘Lane Late’ navel oranges. Postharvest Biol. Technol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2013.06.018
刘建军,李建军,李建军,等. 2013. 伽玛辐射作为一种 Phytosanitary Treatment on Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Bartlett Pears. . J. Food Sci. 78 (9), S1437-S1444. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.12192
Prakash A. 2012. 树坚果的辐照. 食品辐照研究与技术. 克里斯托弗·萨默斯和范学桐主编.). 2nd edition. IFT出版社和Blackwell出版社. In Press.
Ahles CP, Singh H, Joo W, Lee Y, Lee LC, Colazas W, Pierce RA, Prakash A, Jaque SV, and Sumida KD. 2012. High volumes of resistance exercise are not required for greater BMD during growth. 运动和运动的医学和科学. 在线下载:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22843104
Hughey CA, Janusziewicz R, Minardi, CS, Phung J, Huffman BA, Reyes L, Wilcox B, Prakash A. 2012. Distribution of almond polyphenols in blanch water and skins as a function of blanching time and temperature. 食品化学131(4):1165-1173.
McDonald H, McCulloch M, Caporaso F, Winborne I, Oubichon M, Rakovski C, Prakash A. 2012. Commercial Scale Irradiation for Insect Disinfestation Preserves Peach Quality. 辐射物理与化学81:697-704.
Prakash A. In Deen K. Chatterjee, ed.施普林格全球正义百科全书. 海德堡:施普林格. “食物”条目的作者.”
Murugesan L, Williams-Hill D, Prakash A. 2011. Effect of irradiation on Salmonella survival and quality of two varieties of green onions. J. Food Science. 76(6): M439-M444.
Chou K, Williams-Hill DM, Fazel N, Prakash A, Orlandi PA. 2011. 甲型肝炎病毒基因组RNA的纯化以提高检测效率. FDA/ORA/DFS实验室信息公告4494. August 2011.
Prakash A., Lim, F.T., Duong, C., Caporaso, F., Foley, D. 2010. The effects of ionizing irradiation on Salmonella inoculated on raw almonds and changes in sensory properties. 辐射物理与化学. 79(4):502-506.
Fan, X, Niemira, B., and Prakash, A. 2008. 水果和蔬菜的辐照. Food Technology. 3:37-43
Prakash, A., Chen, P.C., Pilling, R.L., Johnson, N., Foley, D. 2006. 1% CaCl2 treatment in combination with gamma irradiation is beneficial to physicochemical and microbial properties of diced tomatoes. 食源性致病菌疾病. 4(1):89-98.
Kwakwa, A. and Prakash, A. 2006. 树坚果的辐照. 食品辐照研究与技术. 克里斯托弗·萨默斯和范学桐主编.). IFT出版社和Blackwell出版社.
Prakash, A., Johnson, N., Foley, D. 2006. Irradiation D-values of Salmonella spp in 1% calcium chloride dipped diced tomatoes. 食源性致病菌疾病. 4(1):84-88
Foley, D. M., Trimboli S.L., Lamb, J. Gogley, J., Thompson, J., Caporaso, F., Calicchia, M., Prakash, A. 2005. Acid-adaptation does not increase the resistance of Listeria monocytogenes to irradiation in a seafood salad. International J. Food Microbiology. 99(2): 147-156.